Gubba Rum would like to Thank All the wonderful people who made the 2nd Annual…
Gubba Gold Wins Gold – In a blind tasting, The Fifty Best proclaims Gubba Gold “very smooth”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Gubb (617-964-6299 / Gubba Gold Wins Gold In a…
First Custom Drink for Gubba Gold!
The first custom drink made specifically for Gubba Gold! We had a renowned mixologist concoct…
Gubba Rum – America’s Smoothest Rum is also America’s Hardest-Working
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Steve Gubb (617-964-6299 / America’s Smoothest Rum is also America’s…
Gubba Rum on Chronicle – Spirits of New England!
Bringing the Taste of the Caribbean to New England. Steve Gubb contracted with a Colorado distillery…
Gubba Rum on WBCN Radio – Free Form Rock
OK, let the fun begin! Take a morning break from your workday Friday morning at…
First custom drink for Gubba Silver!
The first custom drink made specifically for Gubba Silver! We had a renowned mixologist concoct…
Gubba Rum Featured on WCVB TV Chronicle
Monday, June 23: Spirits of New England 7:30 pm EST WCVB TV: Chronicle Video of…
You're invited to try the smoothest taste in Rum. Gubba Gold and Gubba Silver. Come…